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Calculates a GHG inventory using input data from EF_Library, Asset_Portfolio, and Activity_Data variables in the global environment.


ghg_inventory(AD, AP, GWP, EFL = EFLibrary)



Activity Data organized according to the template.


Asset Portfolio organized according the template.


Select your GWPs. Enter with quotation marks in the function. Choices are "SAR", "TAR", "AR4", or "AR5".


Emissions Factor Library organized according to the template. Defaults to EFLibrary


The GHG raw data


AR5_Inventory <- ghg_inventory(ActivityData, AssetPortfolio, "AR5")
#>    asset_id asset_name asset_type asset_subtype asset_description address
#>      <char>     <char>     <char>        <char>            <char>  <char>
#> 1:    B1456              Building        Office                          
#> 2:    B1457              Building        Office                          
#> 3:    B1458              Building        Office                          
#> 4:    B1458              Building        Office                          
#> 5:    B1564              Building        Office                          
#> 6:    B1564              Building        Office                          
#>           city      state    zip       country     region subregion
#>         <char>     <char> <char>        <char>     <char>    <char>
#> 1:  Bellingham Washington  98226 United States West Coast      NWPP
#> 2:  Bellingham Washington  98225 United States West Coast      NWPP
#> 3:  Bellingham Washington  98225 United States West Coast      NWPP
#> 4:  Bellingham Washington  98225 United States West Coast          
#> 5: Woodinville Washington  98072 United States West Coast      NWPP
#> 6: Woodinville Washington  98072 United States West Coast          
#>    business_unit year_built   sqft service_type   unit supplier account_id
#>           <char>     <char> <char>       <char> <char>   <char>     <char>
#> 1:    Operations       1993    342  Electricity    kWh                    
#> 2:    Operations       2005   3280  Electricity    kWh                    
#> 3:    Operations       2003  20142  Electricity    kWh                    
#> 4:    Operations       2003  20142  Natural Gas therms                    
#> 5:    Operations       1990   3636  Electricity    kWh                    
#> 6:    Operations       1990   3636  Natural Gas therms                    
#>    meter_number   date  year   cost      usage emission_category
#>          <char> <char> <int> <char>      <num>            <char>
#> 1:                      2023         31231.907   Indirect Energy
#> 2:                      2023         19389.588   Indirect Energy
#> 3:                      2023        185862.407   Indirect Energy
#> 4:                      2023          2569.690        Stationary
#> 5:                      2023         47302.603   Indirect Energy
#> 6:                      2023          1382.843        Stationary
#>    service_subcategory1 service_subcategory2 emission_scope co2_kgperunit
#>                  <char>               <char>         <char>         <num>
#> 1:                                                  Scope 2     0.2731025
#> 2:                                                  Scope 2     0.2731025
#> 3:                                                  Scope 2     0.2731025
#> 4:                                                  Scope 1     5.3060000
#> 5:                                                  Scope 2     0.2731025
#> 6:                                                  Scope 1     5.3060000
#>    ch4_kgperunit n2o_kgperunit otherghgs_kgco2eperunit gwps_ar co2_gwp ch4_gwp
#>            <num>         <num>                   <num>  <char>   <num>   <num>
#> 1:      2.54e-05      3.63e-06                       0     AR5       1      28
#> 2:      2.54e-05      3.63e-06                       0     AR5       1      28
#> 3:      2.54e-05      3.63e-06                       0     AR5       1      28
#> 4:      1.00e-04      1.00e-05                       0     AR5       1      28
#> 5:      2.54e-05      3.63e-06                       0     AR5       1      28
#> 6:      1.00e-04      1.00e-05                       0     AR5       1      28
#>    n2o_gwp kgco2e_perunit    kg_co2    kg_ch4     kg_n2o   kg_co2e   mt_co2e
#>      <num>          <num>     <num>     <num>      <num>     <num>     <num>
#> 1:     265      0.2747756  8529.511 0.7932904 0.11337182  8581.767  8.581767
#> 2:     265      0.2747756  5295.344 0.4924955 0.07038420  5327.786  5.327786
#> 3:     265      0.2747756 50759.484 4.7209051 0.67468054 51070.459 51.070459
#> 4:     265      5.3114500 13634.775 0.2569690 0.02569690 13648.780 13.648780
#> 5:     265      0.2747756 12918.458 1.2014861 0.17170845 12997.602 12.997602
#> 6:     265      5.3114500  7337.365 0.1382843 0.01382843  7344.901  7.344901
#>                                        ef_source ef_publishdate
#>                                           <char>         <char>
#> 1:                               USEPA eGRID2022     01/30/2024
#> 2:                               USEPA eGRID2022     01/30/2024
#> 3:                               USEPA eGRID2022     01/30/2024
#> 4: EPA CCCL Emission Factors for GHG Inventories     09/12/2023
#> 5:                               USEPA eGRID2022     01/30/2024
#> 6: EPA CCCL Emission Factors for GHG Inventories     09/12/2023