Emission Factor Library
Emission factors are organized as a single record of data for each relevant greenhouse gas.
A data frame with 33,421 rows and 18 columns:
- ef_source
Emission factor source.
- ef_publishdate
Emission factor publication date.
- ef_activeyear
Year for which the emission factor is active for GHG reporting.
- service_type
Name for the fuel or activity which generates emissions. Must match servicd type in activity data.
- unit
Unit for which the service type activity data is provided.
- emission_category
Category of emissions, e.g., mobile, stationary, and indirect energy.
- service_subcategory1
Optional input. If used, must match a service_subcategory1 in activity date
- service_subcategory2
Optional input. If used, must match a service_subcategory2 in activity date
- supplier
Optional input. Supplier of the service type.
- emission_scope
Scope of emissions, i.e., scope 1, 2, or 3.
- country
Used to specify a country for the emission factor.
- subregion
Used to specify a sub-region for electricity emission factors.
- ghg
The greenhouse gas procued by the service type.
- ghg_unit
The greenhous egas unit. This matches the unit provided in the emission factor source documentation.
- source_emission_factor
The emission factor in source units.
- unit_conversion
ghgtools requires emission factors are in kg of ghgs. The ghg_unit must be converted to kg using a unit conversion.
- conversion_factor
ghg unit conversion factor.
- ghg_perunit
Emission factor in kg ghg per service type unit.